Why I Hate Fantasy Sports?

(Don’t take this post serious people, it’s meant to be lighthearted and funny. I was inspired to write this as I sat next to my best friend last week at the bar as he sat there in agony after going undefeated in his fantasy league to wind up losing in the first round of the playoffs……Pathetic.)

            I hate Fantasy Sports just as much as I despise the argument that cheerleading is a sport. I know there are cheerleading “competitions” and people who are deemed as “professionals”, but the origin of “activity” wasn’t to compete against another squad. It started as a group of girls who led the cheers for their school’s teams, who played an actual sport; i.e. football and basketball.

When I first learned what Fantasy Sports were I automatically thought it was something for nerds, I still do in a way; sorry. But in the beginning the only people I knew who played it were old guys with guts, or un-athletic white guys who never get chosen at a pick-up games. Basically, it was a place for sports fanatics who never played the games they loved to finally have something just for them.

Video games have been around since 70s, and for the most part they take skill. Some gamers are just better than others when it comes to the “sticks”, joysticks for you slow people. And while some of you will argue me to the death that it takes skill and great intellect to draft the right players to your fantasy team, and hours of research to decided on your weekly starters, at the end of the day you’re acting like an overzealous fan or an addicted gambler in Vegas. You’re “hoping” that your team/player does well, because deep down inside you know that you have no control over the outcome of how somebody else performs.

Which is why I just can’t get into it. It’s all about the “wish and hope factor”, shout out to Ced The Entertainer. Because you hope and wish Aaron Rogers throws four touchdowns so that you can send your buddy an email gloating about how you just beat him by 300 points.

“Really dude,……Really? (Kevin Hart Voice)

March Madness brackets are going to be what some of you try to compare this too, but you’re wrong. Because when you look at the history of the NCAA Tournament, rarely does an unknown team ever win it all. Yes, we have a George Mason, Butler, Gonzaga, and VCU every few years. But in the end they never win, the powerhouses do.

So the next time somebody invites you into some new Fantasy League, think about this article and stand your ground. America has gotten soft, don’t add to the problem, besides do you want to look like this guy?

One Response to “Why I Hate Fantasy Sports?”
  1. Sports Fan says:

    I know the blog was a joke towards those who like fantasy football but how is it different from you saying my Dukies won or WE had a great game last night or Nobody can beat us. You get emotional too like you are actually on the team. I feel the same way about the Pistons even though they can careless about me and I don’t get paid. My point in my opinion I think we all do it to some degree.

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