Heat/Thunder: What The NBA Needed

Remember these guys?

They were great right?

Back in 2009, the creators behind Nike’s “Most Valuable Puppet” campaign almost got it right. We all wanted Kobe and LeBron in the Finals, and we almost had it until the Orlando Magic decided to mess it up for everyone.

A Kobe/LeBron Finals would have been the first time since Magic and Bird that the NBA would have their two marquee players squaring off for a championship. But a disappearance by then Cleveland guard Mo Williams, along with a healthy dose of Hedo Turkolglu sent LeBron and the Cavs home.

However, the basketball gods have decided to give us something better. Purist of the game, Nike, Miami Heat haters and Skip Bayless will have all their questions answered when this series is over. Once and for all we’ll know who’s the league best player, which big three is better, and we’ll finally get to see what LeBron does when it really matters.

The intriguing thing about this series is that unlike Bird and Magic back in the day, LeBron and Durant are actually good friends.

They played in summer leagues together.

They played flag football together.

They party together.

They even worked out together during the lockout.

Don’t let their friendship fool you though, both of these guys want to win. Miami wants to finally live up to the hype that they created for themselves, and the Thunder are young and fearless and want theirs now. Screw the process.

There hasn’t been a team this young and talented since the old Penny and Shaq Orlando Magic teams from the mid-90s. And while names like James, Wade, Westbrook, Harden and Durant will dominate the headlines, they might not dictate the outcome of the series at all. The return of Chris Bosh puts everyone back into their normal positions on the floor for the Heat. While the veteran leadership and big play capability of Derrick Fisher could be what keeps the Thunder poised during crunch time. In fact, Fisher signed with the Thunder instead of the Heat because he felt he could win a championship playing aside “The Young Guns.”

So tonight, instead of rooting for a particular team, do me this one favor and just watch. Observe the greatness of the two most exciting teams in recent NBA history battle it out for a ring. Enjoy the moment, and even if the team you wanted to win comes away empty-handed don’t fret. I have a really good feeling that this Thunder/Heat matchup could wind up being an annual event.

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