
DaPlayingField.Com is brought to you by Carron J. Phillips who is a recent Masters graduate from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University, and hails from Saginaw, Mich. DaPlayingField.Com will serve as an interactive portfolio of Phillips work, while also operating as a platform for sports journalism and commentary to spark interactive discussions and debates about the latest in the sports world.

Phillips graduated from Morehouse College with honors in 2006 with a B.A. in African-American Studies. Previously Phillips has dabbled in all forms of media including TV, radio, newspapers and online journalism. With sports writing as his true passion, Phillips is also fond of writing entertaining relationship columns. Some of the publications that Phillips has been associated with are: The Maven Report, Black Sports Network.com, Score Atlanta, The Marietta Daily Journal, NPR, TheNewsHouse.com, The Post-Standard, The Daily Orange, SLAM Online & The Salt Lake Tribune.

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