Saginaw’s Mt. Rushmore

Whenever I interview an athlete I always like to ask them who’s the best player that they’ve ever played against. Some list guys in the pros, while others list people from their hometowns that many of us have never heard of. While browsing the Internet the other day, I thought back to when ran … Continue reading

So….Now What?

Mark Cuban, Miami Heat haters, and Dan Gilbert all woke up this morning with huge smiles on their faces. But I didn’t. I was actually kind of sad. It had nothing to do with me wanting Lebron and the Heat to win, or any other storyline from the NBA Finals. I woke up this morning … Continue reading

The Future……

GET FAMILIAR Michael Gilchrist… Austin Rivers… Anthony Davis… Bradley Beal… Quincy Miller… Marquis Teague…

Kobe or Shane: Who’s Weekend Sucked More?

Unless you were living under a rock this past weekend, your Twitter Timeline has probably been full of commentary that dealt with Sunday’s Laker game or the Pacquiao/Mosley Fight. In sports there are always two distinct sides when it comes to the outcome of an event. Fans are either ecstatic that their team/athlete won, or … Continue reading

Is There Anything Better Than A Game 7?

Just weeks after the greatest tournament system in sports ended, March Madness. The world has been taken over by what many consider as the most dramatic scenario in sports, game seven. On Tuesday night, the NHL playoffs either gave fans great joy or abundant sorrow. In the Eastern Conference the Montreal Canadiens were able to … Continue reading

Why We Love Love High School Sports

Everyday I spend about an hour just checking websites I have stored on my bookmark list. I get the latest in entertainment news and gossip, and of course anything new going on in the sports world.  But while I’m always in touch with the big boys like ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and SLAM. I make sure … Continue reading

Butler’s Bad For Basketball

Yup, I said it. And you know it’s true. Not the school in itself, but rather the idea of what Butler stands for. It reminds of a situation that happened in high school. My senior year the awkward girl who was extremely nice to everyone and knew everybody’s name wound up winning homecoming queen. She … Continue reading